"Back to the Future" in Philosophical Dialogue: A Plea for Changing P4C Teacher Education


  • Barbara Weber
  • Susan T. Gardner


While making P4C much more easily disseminated, short-term weekend and weeklong P4C training programs not only dilute the potential laudatory impact of P4C, they can actually be dangerous. As well, lack of worldwide standards precludes the possibility of engaging in sufficiently high quality research of the sort that would allow the collection of empirical data in support the efficacy of worldwide P4C adoption. For all these reasons, the authors suggest that P4C advocates ought to insist that programs of a minimum of five philosophy courses be accepted as the recognized standard for any teacher to legitimately claim that she is teaching Philosophy for Children.







How to Cite

"Back to the Future" in Philosophical Dialogue: A Plea for Changing P4C Teacher Education. (2009). Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, 29(1), 25-30. https://journal.viterbo.edu/index.php/atpp/article/view/1022

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