About the Journal
Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis (AT&PP) is an online, open access, peer-reviewed, academic journal published out of Viterbo University (La Crosse, WI). AT&PP publishes scholarly articles making original and significant contributions to philosophy of education, broadly construed. The journal continues its original focus on philosophy in schools and the pedagogy of community of inquiry, but seeks to relate those to research in philosophy (including non-Western traditions), education, psychology, childhood studies, and other relevant fields. Submissions from national and international scholars using empirical, critical, theoretical methods of inquiry are welcome. AT&PP is committed to publishing scholarship that reflects a diversity of perspectives provided these are well-argued and well-informed. It supports scholarship that draws from different philosophical traditions—including analytic, pragmatist, continental, and Indigenous philosophy—and from a variety of theoretical frameworks—including critical race theory, feminist and queer theories, and disability studies. The editor sometimes invites contributions from particular philosophers of education about specific topics (which are also sent out for blind review), but most of the articles that appear in the journal are submitted for anonymous peer review.
Editorial Board
The Chief Editor of AT&PP is Dr. Jason Howard, Professor of Ethics, Culture, and Society at Viterbo. The journal’s Editorial Board is an international team of senior and junior scholars who represent a variety of philosophical traditions but share an interest in children’s philosophical practice. Members of the editorial board are permitted to submit their own papers to the journal, in which case they will be removed from all editorial tasks for that paper.
Review Process
AT&PP only reviews submissions that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions are subject to anonymous peer review. While the chief editor draws reviewers from the editorial board, he may also draw them from the larger academic and international community to ensure an informed and fair review. However, because the journal recognizes that explicit and implicit bias are serious issues in academic settings, putting members of underrepresented groups at a substantial disadvantage, it seeks to ensure that reviews are truly blind, and works to elicit a diverse pool of reviewers to achieve this end. To help facilitate the journal’s receptiveness to a wide range of voices and themes we try to rotate representation on the editorial board. The journal particularly invites submissions from scholars of historically underrepresented groups as well as junior scholars. The journal also solicits feedback from anyone who has experienced the review process as less than fair.
The review period is expected to take around six to eight weeks, although this can vary depending on reviewer availability. Based on the reviewer reports the Chief Editor will make a recommendation for rejection, minor or major revisions, or acceptance. Reviewers will work to ensure their identity remains anonymous.
Reviewers are asked to provide formative feedback, even if an article is not deemed suitable for publication in the journal, on the following topics and guidelines.
- Content: Does the article fit within the scope of the journal? Has the extant literature been explored and built upon? Are the sources and references adequate? Are the chosen methodologies appropriate to the research question(s)? Does the conclusion reflect the argument in the main body text and bring something new to the debate?
- Structure and argument: Does the article make a coherent argument? Is the methodology clear? Is the article well-organized, with adequate explanation of key terms?
- Language: Is the article well-written, and free of grammatical errors and unnecessary technical language?
Article Submission Guidelines
Articles should be no shorter than 5000 and no longer than 9000 words in length including references, tables, figures, appendices, etc. Articles should be submitted to the chief editor (Jason Howard) by email, attached as a single word file, providing the name of the author(s) and title of the work in the email text and/or under separate cover. Articles must be prepared for anonymous ‘blind-review’ with author’s name removed from the submission and any internal scholarly references should be framed in the 3rd person where direct identification is eliminated. Articles should follow a standardized reference format APA, MLA, or Chicago using endnotes rather than footnotes, and include a brief abstract (250 words max.)
Fieldnotes (new submission subcategory as of 05/2024)
Fieldnotes (or notes from the field) are a new category of submissions focused on specific teaching activities and lesson plans that have been successfully implemented by the author and draw upon Philosophy for/with Children and the Community of Inquiry pedagogy. The article focus can be on classroom activities or other afterschool associations or outreach that have worked well in the past. Fieldnote submissions are between 2000 to 5000 words and should provide guidance on how one could implement the lesson/activity discussed, provide some measure of the lesson’s effectiveness and some references to pedagogical theory to support the activity and its learning outcomes. Articles should follow a standardized reference format such as APA, MLA, or Chicago using endnotes rather than footnotes. Articles should be submitted to the chief editor (Jason Howard) by email (jjhoward@viterbo.edu) and prepared for blind review (following the format provided above for general submissions).
Book Review Submission Guidelines
AT&PP welcomes thoughtful reviews between 2000 and 5000 words that engage recent work judged by the reviewer to be informative of the journal’s scope, including works of non-fiction and fiction that may be of use in the classroom, exploring policy or pedagogical theory. Interested reviewers should contact the chief editor (Jason Howard).
Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis encourages submissions from scholars of historically underrepresented groups in the area of education or related to academia as well as junior scholars.
Guest Editors
AT&PP welcomes proposals for Special Issues of the journal by prospective guest editors, who would work closely with the chief editor. The chief editor oversees the review process for guest-edited issues and makes final submission decisions.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
License Terms
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Publication History
Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis (vol 29, 2009-present, ISSN: 2374-8257) replaces the previous journal Analytic Teaching (vol 1-28, 2008, Online ISSN: 2374-8230, Print ISSN: 0890-5118).