Book Review: Tinker Thinkers


  • Richard Morehouse


Introduction: While intended for young readers, this colorfully and cleverly illustrated book with a downloadable APP, is nonetheless a rigorous examination of philosophical themes written in an interactive and conversational style. Those of you who are familiar with Professor Gardner's Thinking your way to freedom: a guide to owning your own practical reasoning (2009) will find much of the same playfulness, coupled with thoughtful examples and clear-headed thinking, that can be found in her more academic work. Amy Leask is a developer of APPs. On her webpage she identifies herself as a writer, educator and everyday philosopher. Her website Kids think about it: philosophy for kids is one of the ways she engages with young and not-so-young folks. Both authors have invested much time engaging with and encouraging thinkers of all ages and walks of life, something that shines through in their book.




How to Cite

Morehouse, R. (2018). Book Review: Tinker Thinkers. Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, 35(1), 57–58. Retrieved from




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