Working with the Graduate Students at the I.A.P.C.
Introduction: During the past few years, I have had the opportunity to spend considerable time with the graduate students at the IAPC at Montclair State University. The work has been both stimulating and satisfying. Students have come from several countries in addition to the United States. Their backgrounds in philosophy have varied: some have had an extensive background, having majored in philosophy at some undergraduate institution; others with different major interests as undergraduates have taken from many to almost no previous philosophy courses, and have read much or little from the literature. Some have come directly after competing undergraduate work, while others have had varying amounts and kinds of working experience. All have shared a strong interest in and devotion to philosophy for children.Downloads
How to Cite
Working with the Graduate Students at the I.A.P.C. (1996). Analytic Teaching, 17(1), 11-16.