Toward a Common Understanding of the Objectives of Staff Development in Philosophy for Children
Introduction: The Association of Staff Developers in Philosophy for Children (ASDPC) came into being in 1988. It was the result of staff developers feelin a need to be a part of an ongoing community of inquiry among themselves concerning problems of staff development, drawing upon our collective experience as staff developers, and recognizing our autonomy as philosophers (as opposed to being IAPC 'disciple'). At the San Antonio Symposium in April of 1989, an Excutivr Board of 5 persons was elected: Marie Hungerman, Gerard Potvin, Cynthia Duque, Ron Reed, Ann Sharp, and myself, Dale Cannon, as President, One of our decisions at that meeting was to solicit reports from different Centers of Philosophy for Children on their experience with different formats of staff developement and publish them in Analytic Teaching. The longer range goal was inclusion in a projected resource manual for staff development.Downloads
How to Cite
Toward a Common Understanding of the Objectives of Staff Development in Philosophy for Children. (1990). Analytic Teaching, 11(1), 9-11.