Book Review: Monologism, Dialogism, Monoglossia, Polyglossia and Heteroglossia
Introduction: If ever there was a good reason for bringing out a second edition of a book, Bakhtin and Cultural Theory has it. Since it first appeared in 1989, the Soviet Union has ceased to exist and a flood of new materials by and about Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) has seen the light of day. However this has proven to be something of a mixed blessing. Where previously a relative poverty of materials had given Bakhtin scholars a sense of common cause, new freedoms and new resources have led to serious divisions within the community. Furthermore, it turns out that even the little that was thought to be known about him before has now to be seriously reconsidered. Amongst other things, it turns out that Bakhtin routinely lied about his academic background, and was not beyond shameless plagiarism in his writings.Downloads
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Book Review: Monologism, Dialogism, Monoglossia, Polyglossia and Heteroglossia. (2002). Analytic Teaching, 22(2), 164-165.