Hans-Georg Gadamer's Dialectic of Dialogue and the Epistemology of the Community of Inquiry


  • David Kennedy


Introduction: The idea of the classroom as a community of inquiry, and of the community of inquiry as a model for optimal classroom practice, is perhaps one of the great unrealized ideas in Western educational history. We first find it represented in the Socratic dialogues, but it is not realized there, whether becasue of the dominating power of Socrates' intellect, or the scribal distortions which resulted from PLatos's didacticism, or both. More recently, the concept finds powerful theoretical articulation in the epistemology of Peirce, Royce, and Buchler.


How to Cite

Kennedy, D. (2014). Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Dialectic of Dialogue and the Epistemology of the Community of Inquiry. Analytic Teaching, 11(1). Retrieved from https://journal.viterbo.edu/index.php/at/article/view/529


