Jill's Esthetic Experience of Her Dog: Why Is It So Special?
Introduction: While Harry Stottlemeier keeps busy pondering the process of thinking, his friends Lisa and Jill are discussing thoughts in chapter three. Lisa finds it strange that her father says the very thought of peanut butter and jelly makes him sick. Jill, on the other hand, asserts that her thoughts make her happy. Lisa agrees, "it's a nice warm feeling to have a thought you like, and to sort of cuddle it the way you would a doll," she says. Jill adds, "When I leave Sandy (her dog), the thought of him goes with me to school, and I can almost feel it jump up in my lap to be petted."Downloads
How to Cite
Jill’s Esthetic Experience of Her Dog: Why Is It So Special?. (1988). Analytic Teaching, 8(2), 100-101. https://journal.viterbo.edu/index.php/at/article/view/424