The Philosophy for Children Hawai‘i Approach to Deliberative Pedagogy: A Promising Practice for Preparing Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers in the College of Education


  • Amber Strong Makaiau


Introduction: With the introduction of the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards (2013), the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) has given new direction to K-12 social studies education in the United States. Among the notable changes is the expectation that primary and secondary teachers will use a deliberative pedagogy (Longo, 2013; Carcasson, 2013; Manosevitch, 2013; Molnar-Main & Kingseed, 2013) to teach elementary and high school social studies. While this is excellent news for advocates of democratic education (Dewey 1916; Freire 1970; Apple & Beane, 1995; Gutman 1987; Vinson 2006; Parker, 2010; The Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, 2011; Hess & McAvoy, 2015) it presents new challenges to colleges of education, which will take on much of the responsibility for introducing deliberative pedagogy to pre-service teacher candidates who did not have the opportunity to experience a deliberative pedagogy as part of their own K-12 schooling.







How to Cite

The Philosophy for Children Hawai‘i Approach to Deliberative Pedagogy: A Promising Practice for Preparing Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers in the College of Education. (2016). Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, 36(1), 1-7.