The Significance of Alcibiades' Speech in Plato's Symposium
Critics of Plato's theory of love have maintained that he misrepresents the love of persons, treating them merely as a means to the love of the Good or as an image of the Idea in them, rather than the person herself. Other critics claim that Plato sees love as a purely acquisitive and egocentric desire that is fundamentally at odds with an ethical love such as Biblical agape. I will argue that the second of these criticisms is just wrong, and the first, overstated. Regarding the egocentric thesis, I will attempt to show that Plato views love not merely as a desire to possess, but also as a generative urge to create. Special attention will be given to the speech of Alcibiades in addressing both of these charges.
How to Cite
The Significance of Alcibiades’ Speech in Plato’s Symposium. (2013). Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, 34(2), 30-35.