Philosophy for Children Under Postmodern Conditions: Four Remarks in Response to Lardner
Introduction: In the first issue of the renewed Analyic Teaching, A. T. Lardner opens a debate on how to react to postmodern and multi-culturalist positions and their critique on Philosophy for Children. Lardner concludes: This paper has not been set out to disagree with either the postmodern (anti-foundationalist) or multi-culturalist (anti-imperialist) positions. Indeed, it accepts most of the claims made. It has attempted to show that the critique from these quarters of the work of Philosophy for Children in settings outside the USA is based on a misunderstanding of what we do. It has suggested how those working in the program might answer such critiques along with suggesting caution in how we describe our goals and methods. Finally, it has suggested an uncomfortable parallel between the extreme postmodern and multi-cultualist position about eduactional work based on critical, reflective inquiry, and previous, elitist notions which the same people are sure to reject. I'd like to comment on some of Lardner's theses.Downloads
How to Cite
Heesen, B. (1992). Philosophy for Children Under Postmodern Conditions: Four Remarks in Response to Lardner. Analytic Teaching, 12(2), 23–28. Retrieved from