Jose Ortega y Gasset and Eduardo Nicol: Alternatives for Philosophical Foundation of Philosophy for Children in Latin America
Introduction: Jose Ortega y Gasset was a philosopher genuinely concerned with education. His vocation for knowledge always required communication, therefore he never sought truth to make of it a silent cult, instead he sought it as a means to approach truth together with others. Only under the light of such intellectual and pedagogical vocation can the orteganian concept of education be understood. His attempt to clarify the goals of education centers on the effort to elucidate two questions: What must be taught and how it must be taught.Downloads
How to Cite
de la Garza, T. (1990). Jose Ortega y Gasset and Eduardo Nicol: Alternatives for Philosophical Foundation of Philosophy for Children in Latin America. Analytic Teaching, 10(2), 22–26. Retrieved from