Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery: A Teacher's View
Introduction: As a child on nights to sultry to sleep, I would gaze at the sky as thousands of fiery specks wheeled over my head. My imagination soared toward those distant worlds. "Why are there stars." I wondered, like all children. "What is Truth, or Good? What does it all mean?" In succeeding years I learned about quasars, quarks and black holes. Yet on cloudless nights, I am still a ten year old child filled with awe and with questions unanswered by science: what is the nature of knowledge, of right conduct, of being?Downloads
How to Cite
Vriesacker, J. (1989). Harry Stottlemeier’s Discovery: A Teacher’s View. Analytic Teaching, 9(2), 124–125. Retrieved from https://journal.viterbo.edu/index.php/at/article/view/481