Only Children and Idiots Babble: Motley Convergences of Self and Meaning in Foreign Language Learning
Introduction: Not long ago, a foreign language teaching newsletter I receive published, amid foreign language tongue twisters and teaching method tips, a list of ten "Rules for Being Human." The title piqued my curiosity; in a profession that restricts itself primarily to instrumental concerns, it is an event to see raised the question of human meaning. And so I read through several pleasant rules having to do with life as an on-going lesson until suddenly at number seven - a number sacred in so many wisdom traditions - the tone changed: 7. Others are simply mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.Downloads
How to Cite
Only Children and Idiots Babble: Motley Convergences of Self and Meaning in Foreign Language Learning. (1995). Analytic Teaching, 15(2), 35-42.