Book Review: Does a Fly Have a Mind?
Introduction: Does a fly have a mind? What about an unborn baby? How about a nation? Would you place them under HAS A MIND, under NO MIND, or under ??? What are your reasons (or criteria) for placing them there? This is the starting point for what Clinton Golding calls a concept game. In his very usable book, Connecting Concepts, Golding explains how to set up and run classroom discussion using a range of such more or less problematic cases to engage students in the analysis of concepts. And he provides systematically constructed materials for a dozen really meaty concepts - those of racism, justice, intelligence, mind, responsibility, rules, science, culture, art, violence, knowledge, and reality - to get you started.Downloads
How to Cite
Cam, P. (2003). Book Review: Does a Fly Have a Mind?. Analytic Teaching, 24(1), 76–77. Retrieved from