Pixie: Classroom Discussions Following Exercises in the Pixie Manual


  • Annette Berrian


Introduction:  At the first session, the name Pixie was used as an opener.  "The difference between her name and the real name her parents have her."  Discussion plan Names was used.  All the children felt their names were very important to them.  Many had nicknames that I didn't even know about.  For example, Trindell was Timmy.  Funny though, all through the year I have called him Trindell.  I must be the old-fashioned, stiff-as-a-poker teacher in me.  Some students in the group would be willing to buy a new name but only a first name.  They would never change their last name.  A boy with a very feminine first name - Jamie - wanted to change his name legally to Louie (not Louis).  They reasoned that buying a name is O.K. because movie stars do it.  But, it was pointed out that you couldn't take a name belonging to a famous person.  That identity was already used.  For example, Michael Jackson's name was his; no one else could take it.







How to Cite

Pixie: Classroom Discussions Following Exercises in the Pixie Manual. (1984). Analytic Teaching, 5(1), 18-21. https://journal.viterbo.edu/index.php/at/article/view/289