Administrators Talk About Analytical Teaching: Is It Good for My Kids?
Introduction: Each new dawn heralds its own "new and exciting" program for the educational community. Such a program, out of necessity, is touted as being designed and developed by experts, to be better than all others, and to work wonders with students. Almost as often as a new program appears on the scene, another is fading into oblivion, having failed to successfully accomplish its goals and purposes. In my opinion, there is only one important criterion for any educational plan or procedure: "Will it be good for my kids?" Little human lives are too dear and precious to be subjected to the "guinea pig" approach. We ought not to play games with the human mind. Good educators help children understand the thought processes and discover the unique values of their own ideas, concepts and attitudes.Downloads
How to Cite
Administrators Talk About Analytical Teaching: Is It Good for My Kids?. (1981). Analytic Teaching, 1(2), 20.